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Mo – Fr von 14 – 16 Uhr


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(Mo – Fr von 9:00 – 16:00 Uhr)


Freie Universität Berlin

Everything Bio-Logical (English, ab 7. Klasse)

Angebot vor Ort
25.04.2024|08:00 – 12:45 Uhr |freie Plätze: 0/14
Anmeldefrist abgelaufen.

Welcome to the Department of Physics at the Free University of Berlin. We want to give you insights into current research topics and show you how exciting and important physics is.

Join our female* scientists to learn and discuss what it means to be working at the interface between biology, physics and informatics.

Together with other girls* interested in STEM, you will take part in a workshop in which you will learn new things about current research in biophysics. [We decided to give this workshop in English as it's the language of science. Don't hesitate to join!]

Workshop "How I turned from a schoolgirl into a scientist in computational biophysics":  Prof. Cecilia Clementi and a group of female graduate students in Clementi’s group will  be happy to share their background, their motivation and their journey to becoming a natural scientist with you, to demonstrate that this path can be a great choice and option for women to follow in the future. They will also introduce their research area at Freie Universität in theoretical and computational biophysics, describing what they are working towards, the specific questions they are considering and the different methods they are developing, such as coarse graining and machine learning. They would be happy to talk about women in STEM and discuss some examples of female scientists. Finally, they will bring you closer to the topic of biophysics with some practical activities to experience the everyday life of a researcher.

The Girls'Day 2024 starts with an introductory event, where you e.g. will get to know the Freie Universität Berlin a bit better. Afterwards we will accompany you your workshop. We are looking forward seeing you there!

Weitere Angebote aus der Physik findet ihr hier.

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Wichtiger Hinweis zur Anmeldung

Das Angebot hat bereits stattgefunden, du kannst dich nicht mehr anmelden. Bitte frag' auch nicht bei der Ansprechperson nach.

Wichtiger Hinweis zur Anmeldung

Zur Teilnahme an diesem Angebot musst du mindestens 12 Jahre alt sein.

Freie Universität Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Physik
Arnimallee 14, Großer Hörsaal (Raum 0.3.12)
14195 Berlin
Telefon: 030.83854436
Dr. Janina Richter
Telefon: 030.83854436